Contract Checklist
This checklist is designed to (a) enable the practicum student, cooperating professional, and university supervisor to keep track of the student’s experiences in the practicum setting, and (b) provide one basis for assigning a practicum grade. It also offers a way of negotiating with the cooperating professional those experiences which the practicum student should have.
The ideal practicum setting would provide an opportunity for the student to have experience in each of the items listed on the checklist. However, because of differences in administrative structure, roles, program models, etc., it may not always be possible for the student to exhibit ability in each area. The first step in using the checklist, therefore, is for the cooperating professional, student, and university supervisor to go through the items and write a ‘C’ (contracted) beside each item that is contracted. Those items not contracted will then be discussed to see if there is some alternative way that the practicum student can practice the same skills. The items contracted between the cooperating teacher and the practicum student should be jointly reviewed at regular intervals throughout the semester to be sure that the contracted experiences are being completed.
Perhaps the easiest and most useful way of keeping up with progress is to go over the checklist at regular intervals, updating it with new information which serves as a basis for discussing progress. At a minimum, the checklist will be used at the beginning, midterm, and final 3-way meetings.