College of Education

Early Childhood Special Education

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What if I have a full-time job?  How can I complete my practicum?

If you work full-time in an early childhood setting, you are expected to complete two 20-hour per week alternative practicum experiences.  Your advisor will work with you to design alternative practicum experiences at your worksite.  You must complete a proposal for each alternative practicum, which then must be approved by the Department of Special Education Curriculum Committee.  The proposal must be submitted the semester before your practicum.  Check with your advisor about to ensure you meet all required timelines.

What if I have a problem with my university supervisor?

First, try to resolve the issue with your supervisor.  Second, consider bringing up the issue as a salient situation in practicum seminar to brainstorm solutions.  Third, discuss the issue with the ECSE program coordinator, who supervises the university supervisors. 

What do I do if my role at the practicum site is not clearly defined?

First, talk with your cooperating professional about roles and responsibilities.  Second, talk with your university supervisor and enlist their help in discussing roles and responsibilities.  Third, present this issue in practicum seminar as a salient situation to brainstorm solutions.  Fourth, discuss the issue with the ECSE program coordinator.

What do I do if I am not getting the feedback I need from my university supervisor?

First, try to resolve this issue with your university supervisor (e.g., ask for written feedback, brain an agenda to meetings with your university supervisor and take notes).  Second, present this issue in practicum seminar as a salient situation to brainstorm solutions.  Third, discuss the issue with the ECSE program coordinator.

What if conflict occurs?

If conflict during practicum occurs (e.g., with a cooperating professional, supervisor, seminar leader, etc.), the student should maintain professional behavior by refraining from complaining about the people involved in the conflict.

Instead, the student should bring any persistent, ongoing issues to the program coordinator.  

If the conflict is related to the site or cooperating professional, the student should not expect their practicum assignment to change based on these ongoing issues.  Instead, we will work through the issues together. For example, we might help the student problem-solve how to address the issue with the cooperating professional, facilitate a meeting with the cooperating professional, or meet privately with the cooperating professional.  Part of the responsibility of the practicum student is to endeavor to learn something from every practicum experience, even if it is not an ideal experience.  In some cases, this might involve developing skills in conflict resolution with other adults.

If the conflict is related to the supervisor or seminar leader, we will support the student in working through the issue.